La arqueología y la etnohistoria: un encuentro andino, 2009 by Topic, John R. (editor).
Published by Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (Lima) and Institute of Andean Research (New York), 2009. 362 pp. ISBN: 978-9972-51-242-1.
Purchase from publisher: $28.00 (shipping included). Order code IE013.
An ambitious undertaking in crossing the boundaries between social science disciplines points to novel insights. Crossing disciplinary boundaries is not easy since archaeologists are not trained to read documents, and historians and social anthropologists may be uneasy when faced with precolumbian material remains. The task continues, but the initial efforts of the "Andean Encounter" in Cajamarca is presented in this volume. Chapters about Ecuador, Peru, Chile, and Argentina were written by Segundo Moreno Yánez, Lorenzo Huertas Vallejos, Calogero Santoro, Jorge Hidalgo, Sonia Alconini, Veronica Williams, Ana María Lorandi, María Rostworowski, and several other authors. In Spanish.