Introduction to "Experiences with the Institute of Andean Research: 1941-42 and 1946" by Gordon R. Willey by Richard E. Daggett, 2009.
Published by Andean Past, Volume 9, Article 16. 9 pages.
Full PDF available for download here.
Excerpt from introduction:
"The following original article by Gordon R.Willey, written in 2002, near the end of his life, and at the request of the editors of Andean Past, represents his reminiscences about his introduction to Peruvian archaeology in general and the Institute of Andean Research (IAR), in particular. It is part of our series on the history of institutions that have been important in Andean archaeology during the twentieth century. It follows my article on the history of the Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory (NCAAE) published in Andean Past 6 (2000/01) and that of David L. Browmanon the Midwest Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory in the same volume".